Getting Started

Getting Started

This library is similar to TA-Lib but easier to install, it does not need other native dependencies except for the native platform's build tools such as MSVC on Windows and GCC on *nix systems. The library is written in pure C without third party dependencies and it is fully typed with the typing module.

Source code for the library and its different language bindings are entirely open-source and can be found at cybotrade-indicators (opens in a new tab).


The underlying C library is originally forked from tulipindicators (opens in a new tab), our team added more indicators and made the Python bindings. For a list of indicators that we support, check Indicators.


The library is published as a wheel distribution on PyPi (opens in a new tab) and as an effort to better the developer experience, every modules exported from the library are fully typed with the typing module and the interface files such as py.typed and *.pyi are shipped together with the wheel distribution.

Python LSP Typing