Environment Setup

Environment Setup

There are plenty ways to setup a local development environment for Python such as virtualenv, Pipenv, conda, etc. We recommend conda for its ease of use and a wide variety of support for other libraries.

Installing conda

The installation steps are a little different across different operating systems, the official installation guide can be found here (opens in a new tab). Between Miniconda and Anaconda, Miniconda is more than sufficient for our usage.

Creating a new environment

After successfully installing conda, create a new environment by running

# eg. conda create -n cybotrade python==3.11
conda create -n <environment_name> python==3.11

This will create a new conda environment with Python 3.11 installed, if everything is successful you shall see the following prompt.

Successful conda environment installation

Activating the environment

To activate the environment in your current terminal session, run

# eg. conda activate cybotrade 
conda activate <environment_name>

If you are using VS Code, remember to point the Python interpreter to the version installed in your environment by doing Ctrl + Shift + P or Cmd + Shift + P, type Python: Select Interpreter and enter. Then, select the Python version from your environment such as the following screenshot.

VSCode select Python interpreter