Getting Started

Getting Started

Although the core runtime of Cybotrade itself is written in Rust, we thought it would make lives much easier by introducing a simpler, concise way to interact with the runtime through Python.

As a strategy developer it is not required to understand how the underlying runtime works, we purposefully crafted the API so that it is only required for you to describe two things:

  1. A set of handlers for market events.
  2. Entry and exit conditions for a trade.

All the other heavyliftings such as market data collection, order execution, metrics calculation, etc. are handled by the core runtime. There will be a set of common actions provided by the runtime and we will get into them in later paragraphs.


The library is published as a wheel distribution on PyPi (opens in a new tab) and as an effort to better the developer experience, every modules exported from the library are fully typed with the typing module and the interface files such as py.typed and *.pyi are shipped together with the wheel distribution.

Python LSP Typing